Racing Complexity

Using complexity management, existing complex processes in the company are better mastered and, above all, more clearly arranged. As companies increase their product diversity, higher demands are placed on management. More products also mean more complexity, which can ultimately have a negative impact on the cost and quality of products. This is exactly what complexity management is designed to counteract. In the race against complexity, it is a matter of viewing the entire corporate structure as a holistic concept and including the entire value-added process.

Racing Complexity

Requirements of Modern Complexity Management

Elements of Complexity Management

Complexity management refers to management methods that focus on dealing with uncertainties and probabilities. Different elements that are closely related influence complexity management.

The term complexity comes from modern systems theory. There are more elements than can be precisely combined. The task of the system is to find the elements that fit together. Thus, one of the most important elements is the human being. First a social being and cannot be classified as concretely as a machine or a robot. Special situations must therefore always be reckoned within complexity management. The situation is similar with the element environment. The environment is also only predictable to a certain extent, but must be considered in complexity management. Further elements and tools of management are methods engineering, systems engineering and requirements engineering.

Methods Engineering in Applied Computer Science Research

The importance of Methods Engineering increases with the importance of growing complexity in companies. In the context of reality mapping information systems it has a high value as part of applied computer science research. A distinction is made between computer-aided methodical designs and controlled designs, which are also computer-aided. In general, this type of systems engineering can also be described as working with vision. It is primarily concerned with structuring the results when designing the individual work steps.

Complexity Management and Requirements Engineering

Requirements engineering plays an important role in complexity management. Requirements engineering focuses on the systematic approach to the specification of a project as well as the management of the requirements for a system. The goal is to specify all requirements that arise in the context of the project precisely and above all unambiguously. Therefore, requirements engineering should always be the first phase of a new project in order to precisely analyze goals and requirements. A typical example of this is software that is created in connection with complexity management.

Complexity Management Begins with Acceptance

Due to ever shorter product lifecycles, companies are faced with an ever increasing variety of work steps that result in ever greater complexity. Complexity can certainly have its advantages, if it is organized properly. The management is responsible for the complete complexity management. This responsibility includes not only monitoring tasks, but also planning and execution. Often it is precisely good complexity management that makes it possible to create an attractive range of services. The more attractive the range of services, the more willing customers are to pay for their additional profit. It is important that the right balance between too much and too little complexity is worked out in the management process.

Essentially, the required level of complexity of the company is influenced by its positioning in the market. If you take a thorough look around a company, it quickly becomes clear that all functional areas are affected by complexity. However, the type of complexity depends on the task of the area. It is the task of management to design complexity in such a way that it brings the greatest possible customer benefit and is economically efficient for the company at the same time. Complexity management should combine the individual areas with each other in such a way that the complexity is manageable. Without appropriate software, this is hardly manageable given the variety of work steps.

Modern Complexity Management

Without modern systems engineering, most companies have little chance in the race against complexity. Not only large companies, but also more and more small businesses are therefore turning to appropriate computer support through high-quality software. Computer-aided planning has the great advantage that all authorized employees have constant access to the latest information. Intelligent software is able to display the company in its entire complexity in a timely manner. Decision makers have the possibility to get a constant overview of how far certain objects have been processed, where problems might occur and where intervention is needed. This is precisely the primary task of complexity management. Through intelligent software it is possible to improve organizational procedures and structures, to adapt the company faster to market changes and to optimize business processes.

But intelligent software can do much more. Through systems engineering, companies receive a comprehensive solution for complexity management. Management systems are documented, organized and simultaneously monitored. This ensures that all parts of the object can be brought together and harmonized.

Further advantages of intelligent software are that costs are reduced and the quality of management systems is improved at the same time. After a certain training period, the systems find a high level of acceptance among most employees due to their particular clarity. They are relieved of stereotypical work and can concentrate on their core business. This increases the effectiveness of their performance.

Among other things, modern software also ensures that management systems become clearer and easier to use. Feedback options and automatisms are just some of the other advantages. The software can be designed so that it can be used in any company.